Assalamualaikum and hi :)
Ada seorang kawan yang mencadangkan untuk saya mengulas tajuk di atas.
Not because I am a counselor, but I am an introvert myself.
Because most of the people around me, for most of the time, they wrongly interpreted me.
First: Medical course & introvert
It is actually very very very difficult untuk adapt and adjust ourselves to an outspoken world. Believe me, it takes multiple times of thinking and courage to act or do something yang out of our norm.
Ada orang cakap, baguslah kau tak banyak cakap, tak banyak dosa. Kepala dia!
Know why? Sebab kita dimomokkan dengan thought bahawa orang yang berjaya ialah orang yang outspoken, yang boleh utarakan pendapat dia. And a reserved person is difficult to survive. This is what I understand for being in this Malaysia education system for all these years (Kalau salah please betulkan saya).
Kadang-kadang bagus untuk kita tahu kita ni berpersonaliti macam mana, sebab it can help us to choose our path of career. Seriously speaking!
Sometimes, I do regret my choice of taking medical course (haha!) because it totally need A LOT of speaking, communicating with people! (Ada lagi la reasons lain of course)
Frankly speaking, in my first year of clinical, I am very very depressed. Sebab I have to do something that I hate the most; communicating! Haha.
Tapi, kadang-kadang seronok. Depends.
My ambition is to be a doctor. Yes, it is my childhood ambition. I want to help people, to make my family proud of me, to show that I can do anything, to show that I am not a weak person because of my lack of capabilities in speaking.
Tapi kadang-kadang, I would agree with Bruno Mars; "Too young too dumb to realize.." Hahaha T_T
However, I managed to overcome this fear, inferiority complex and alhamdulillah I have finished my degree in medicine! Yeay! :)
So, my first advice untuk sesiapa yang introvert, fikir betul-betul, buat istikharah so that kalau korang terfikir untuk pilih medical course, korang takkan menyesal and hopefully He will lead the way and show what is the best for you.
I think I will do one post about medical course later, the benefits and what is my opinion regarding medical course. So, stay tuned. Haha.
Second: What others think about you.
Manusia, kita selalu ambil alih tugas Allah SWT; judging.
I am not talking about others, kadang-kadang saya sendiri buat. Tapi, how we realize after that and try untuk elak benda tu lagi yang akan bezakan kita daripada orang-orang lain yang judging jugak.
For your information dear-not-introvert-people (hee :p), ada masanya kami malas nak bercakap. Haha. Gila kan? Saya pun tak pasti the reason behind BUT I really feel this! Bila mai rasa malas nak bercakap, malas nak layan orang bercakap tu masyallah Tuhan je tahu. Tambah annoying bila kita dah cakap few times and orang tu still tak faham yang membuatkan kita perlu explain berkali-kali. Tambah-tambah kalau jenis bercakap macam bercakap sorang (aku ler tu), suara masyallah slow gila.
I am sorry kawan, I am really hopeless when this happen. It's not that I can control it, it's hard ok. Especially bila dekat kelas and lecturer duk tanya-tanya soalan, and kena pulak dia point soalan tu kat kau lagi la stress. That's why kadang-kadang even soalan senang pun tak terjawab; sebab kepala otak dah memang tak fokus pada soalan! So, tak betullah kalau kami tak jawab soalan tu maknanya kami tak tahu. It's just that sometimes we did not focus.
Ada jugak yang interpret sendiri; bila kau tak cakap dengan dia, makanya kau tengah marah dia. Naahh. It doesn't work that way my dear friends :)
If saya sendiri, sometimes, I lost in my own thoughts and I am not concentrate dengan apa yang jadi di sekeliling. So kadang-kadang I may not realize that you're talking to me. Hehe. I am sorry ;(
Third: You are a weirdo!
This also happened to me, during my foundation days. Frankly speaking, masa final year degree ni aku baru tahu orang ingat aku ni budak pelik masa foundation. Hahahaha!
Sebab apa? Sebab kita tend untuk rasa someone tu pelik bila dia tak buat apa yang kita buat. Contoh, bila sedih, kebanyakan orang akan bercakap dengan someone untuk luahkan perasaaan. For me, I'll choose to calm myself first, then baru cari someone untuk luahkan perasaan. Nak dijadikan cerita, masa foundation, i have quite lots of problems with my roomates, so I did not stay in the room most of the time. I will stay alone in surau, eat alone most of the time, pergi surau pagi-pagi lagi bila subuh (kebanyakan budak perempuan solat kat bilik je), jogging alone, and many more lah.
So they thought that I am a weirdo. Tapi, to think back, yeah maybe I deserved it because I do it all alone.
But hey, I think what is the best to do is, go talk to them, approach them (if any of your friend ada yang macam ni). Yes I agree that ada je yang jenis tak suka cerita dekat orang lain, tak nak orang tau hal dia, but hey, don't you think that one fine day, he or she will reveal themselves to you :D
Nak tau kenapa? Trust!
We need to trust people to tell something that is quite personal rite? Tapi ada je orang yang jenis bagitau je semua benda dia buat dekat social media. Tu ceghita lain lah.
But, this is me. I will share what I feel, what I think of with someone that I can trust to. And whom I think will not judge me, or whom I am comfortable with.
I am sure most of us will have those criteria to choose to whom we share our personal things.
So, here I am. Rasanya I will do Part 2 untuk tajuk ni. Haha.
Stay tuned kay because I will add some more to this.
And stay tuned for other things that I'll share later. I have lots of things to share to, so wish me luck so that idea melimpah ruah. Haha.
#nota kaki: ada orang share dekat fb iium confession (tak ingat bila); katanya, dalam islam, tak ada introvert-extrovert-thingy, it is our will to come out from our comfort zone. I am agree with what he/she told but sometimes, it helps us to know which path should we choose so that we will not regretting it later. Tapi, jangan terlalu obses, bersederhanalah :)
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